Life Updates & Current Read: “Walk of Shame” by Lauren Layne

From a book I read: Walk of Shame

Read this book so it feels like I’m in Manhattan 🥰🤪 Walk of Shame by Lauren Layne. Loved it so far 😆

I just had a bit hectic week, which then resulted in my life went out of control..

The days went like this: I stressed or too focused on something for more than 3 days or more, I rarely cook, had poor sleep, my exercise sessions were often below target, could not focus on other simple things, sleepy eyes everyday.. my mind was not clear… I ate burgers probably 3 times this week… (either it’s PMS or just a stressing week or both 😞) The last burger was great tho, it’s crispy chicken burger with not-overpowering sesame dressing.

Just today, I had a chance for a peaceful weekend morning sleep and took today slower. Recovery was still in progress. I found social media was too chaotic for me now, so I watched youtube for cartoon (Atashinchi) or cat videos and read novel. And here I am, dumped my thought on my own blog because I felt like I need to do something good for myself, like hobbies..

Talking about blog, I think the current theme still not suite me well. It’s nice, but still not feeling like me 😂😂😂

Happy weekend! From me with these sleepy eyes 🐼

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Highlights of January (Part #1)

Haha last week, I wanted to create weekly highlight post and ended up not making one. Hence, this post title is to cover up the last week and this week this month highlight. Haha.

Why do I write this kind of post? I don’t know, I just think it will be fun. At least for me. So, later when I feel bored, I could look up to these posts and get inspired to do things that make me happy.

Well, as a start, I may not write much. So, basically, this post will only contain pics and a little bit description.

1. Singkong Thailand (A Savory – Sweet Dessert)

Singkong Thailand

Singkong Thailand
Singkong Thailand

I really like this dessert because of the savory yet sweet taste has a good combination. The savory taste comes from the coconut milk vla (the white layer) and the sweet taste comes from the cassava. A simple dessert, yet very tasty

It costs only Rp7.000 and is available in a traditional market near my house in Bekasi. I prefer to eat this when the dessert is chilled. I also bring 2 cups of this when I returned to Bandung, just because I really like it 😆

2. Help Ibu with Go-Food registration

Last week I helped Ibu to take photos of the food which Ibu want to sell in Go-Food.

Nasi Kucing
Nasi Kucing


Nasi Pecel

We sell nasi bakar, nasi pecel, nasi kucing, nasi gudeg, ayam bakar. You can contact me if you want to buy these foods! Haha #imserious

3. Lemon & Honey

The weather was uncertain these days. Hence, I need to improve my body with vitamins. A supplement that I like is lemon & honey in warm water. I feel better and fresh after I drink this. My skin is also less dry. 🍋🍯

Honey Lemon Drink

4. A good novel: Resign! By Almira Bastari

I like this novel since I read this in Wattpad. It’s light, fresh, entertaining & lovely. Also maybe I read this book because I feel related (to the corporate life part, not to the romance part obviously) :))

Resign by Almira Bastari - cover
Resign by Almira Bastari – cover

Resign – Intro

To be continued..

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Explanations can do a few important things, based on the research cited in Grant’s book.

Another study of American architects found that parents of the most creative architects disciplined their kids by outlining their standards of conduct and explaining their reasoning behind these principles — and encouraging their kids to come up with their own values.


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Wishlist: Books

Hari ini saya ngerasa agak jenuh dengan banyak hal. Saya juga bingung apa yang salah sampai saya ngerasa segitu jenuhnya. Lalu saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke toko buku. Toko buku yang ga terlalu besar, tapi seolah-olah bisa menyerap saya dan membuat saya lupa sama hal-hal yang bikin saya jenuh. Ini daftar buku-buku yang ingin saya beli~

sumber gambar:

Royal Wedding. Edisi XI serial princess diaries. Saya baca novel Princess Diaries dari pas SD dan suka sama filmnya (apalagi yang peranin Anne Hathaway <3)

sumber gambar:

Lean In. Saya udah selesai baca buku ini tahun lalu, tapi versi ebooknya. Harus punya versi cetaknya juga ah.

sumber gambar:,

Serial Geek Girl. Baru baca sinopsisnya sih, cuma dari reviews yang saya liat kayanya rame. Jadi, saya pengen baca juga.

Dan masih ada beberapa buku lagi, tapi segini dulu karena saya harus bikin pr 🙁


Banyak buku-buku menarik yang pengen saya baca. Rasanya pengen tinggal di kamar aja sambil tenggelam dalam cerita di buku-buku. Rasanya lagi malas mikirin hal lain. Kenapa ya? Apa level introvert saya lagi lebih tinggi dari biasanya?

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Things We Don’t Know

“I believe the best managers acknowledge and make room for what they don’t know — not just because humility is virtue but because until one adopts that mindset, the most striking breakthrough cannot occur. I believe that managers must loosen control, not tighten them. … Moreover, successful leaders embrace the reality that their models maybe wrong or incomplete. Only when we admit what we don’t know can we ever hope to learn it ”

Creativity, Inc – Ed Catmull

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Book: Service Science


This book was used for IT Service course. In class, the lecturer offered if we wanted to borrow it, then i borrowed it. I read and found this book interesting since its content was mostly about the basic of services (I prefer to learn from basic). Well, i think that’s explain the “science” word in its title. ????

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What makes Pixar special is that we acknowledge we will always have problems, many them hidden from our view; that we work hard to uncover these problems, even if doing so means making ourselves uncomfortable; and that, when we come across a problem, we marshall all of our energies to solve it.

Creativity, Inc – Ed Catmull (pg. x)

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