Lesson Learned: Write

Why did I have so much in my mind?


Why did I get angry easily these days? (i.e. angry to Angkot drivers who dropped me off before I reached my office because they wanted to change their route and I was the only passenger)


Where did my money go?


Those were questions that I just started to realize this week. And I needed to solve them as soon as possible. Fortunately, I always know that writing in my private journal can provide help for me. I spent some time at night to write them out. And I realized my mistake: I did not write.


I did not write my private journal. That’s why I had so much in my mind because I kept them only in my mind. I kept not only about things in my minds, but also my emotions which I had to let out :p


I did not write my financial journal. Well, I have written my financial journal since January this year, but I did not make the report (for myself), did not pay attention to my budget, and did not write every purchase I made. I thought with just writing down big purchases, it would be ok, while, in fact, that is not OK because I also made many small purchases which if accumulated will be as significant as the big purchases. In short, I did not appreciate my money. Then, I made some refinements on how I manage my money. Started from August, I write my financial journal more carefully. I even make the report with a graph in it. And it feels so good to see the graph does not go downward in a steep line haha. 😀

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Achievement Unlocked: Angkot (Public Transportation) Money

Welcome new month! Welcome new cycle of personal finance! Haha

Ok, so, hearing the word “finance” may feel like a burden for most people in age of 20-ish, especially to those who already live on their own, live from their salary (bye-bye pocket money!) like me. What i found from living from my own salary is personal finance is not easy. Sometimes, I don’t save any. Sometimes, I shop or eat out too much, haha. “It’s ok, i’m just started living on my own, i still made mistakes and learned my lessons” I said to myself. However i spend my money, i must write it down. From the notes, i can be less guilty spending the money, “At least, i know where the money goes”. I know how much worse my spending could be if i didn’t write it down.


New month, new goal of personal finance.

My July Goal is to pay for Angkot (public transportation) in the fixed price. The background of this goal is, sometimes i need to pay Rp5.000, while the actual costs is Rp4.000 (based on my experience riding Angkot) and do not get any changes. So, i decided to go to the bank and exchange Rp200.000 (2 sheets of Rp100.000) for 100 sheets of Rp2.000. And it’s work! I can pay with the fixed price! I can control my transport money!


I know this is just a baby step. But, money matters (we need to appreciate money by not spending it unwisely) and i don’t have money tree on my backyard. i’m happy this milestone in my long journey in personal finance 😀


See you later!

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