After Work

Hi guys, how’s your day?

Mine? I have a nice day, Alhamdulillah. My mood feels light. I just had bath and exfoliated my skin with recently bought wash off mask (it’s like strawberry jam btw). I arrived at kostan before Maghrib, prayed Isya & Taraweh before 8 p.m. I had an easy-but-tasty dinner and watched modern family. Well, i must learn the recipe from my mom! Haha

Here’s pic of the food haha #iamasian

Ok that’s all. Yes, another random post. I just want to write it down so someday when i need to light up my mood, i can read this 😁 and because i am waiting my mask to be able to washed off 💆

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Morning Mood Booster: Strawberry Milk

Strawberry milk. Before I saw the 1 litre strawberry milk (with affordable price, of course) I used to buy chocolate milk (1 L). Until one day, I went to grocery store near my place and found the 1 L strawberry milk that I always wished haha. I hope the store will always have stock for the strawberry milk because i think I will purchase it again next time 

Cheers 🍓🍓🍓

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