New Year’s Holiday

Day 1 & 2: Arrived in Jakarta

Bought Beard Papa’s. My favorite is eclair puff with vanilla filling 😋

Obviously it becomes one of my comfort foods!

Trees and tall buildings…

Day 3: Arrived at Home

Colorful plants by my mom. I hope I could grow some lettuce or kale by myself this year haha , please open in Bandung! 😋

Soto Seger Boyolali for breakfast, near home.

Quality time with lil bro. Sorry for the blurry picture :p

My mom, lil bro, and I made baked mac n cheese.

unbaked version:

baked version:

The Sims 4: Yeay!!!

Being introvert is easy. LOL.

Day 4: New Year’s Day

Family dining out. Alhamdulillah all of us could gather on that day. Also alhamdulillah for Sate Maranggi H. Yetti Cibungur being open on new year’s day. FYI, they are only closed in Idul Fitri day and open since 8 a.m. (info from their whatsapp business, you can get the number from their instagram here :  )

Besides the satay, I would like to recommend their fritters (a.k.a gorengan). I think you should order each of the fritters because they are so tasty especially with their chili sauce!

The fritters and sauce deserve a picture 😋

This short holiday is full of tasty meals. Alhamdulillah 

Taylor Swift Reputation Tour

Another highlight from this holiday is Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour in Netflix !! 

“Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” – New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift


Now that it’s January already, I can recover from the family and social events in December #introvertbatteryislow.

See you on the next post! 

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Madiun – Dec 2018

Just several photos from my trip to Madiun this month. Wish I could stay longer haha

The Family

Before akad~

Sisters 💞

Happy wedding mas Adi & mba Sari 😁

At Grandpa’s House

Flowers in front of my grandpa’s house. Anyone know what’s its name?


Nasi Pecel. My must-have while here *nomnomnom

#sorryfornotsogoodphoto #justhavetopostit

The Double Decker Bus

How we went to Madiun: double-decker bus!

It’s indeed an interesting experience! The bus was comfy. I could sleep well haha. The cost for one person is Rp325.000 if I’m not mistaken. And the most important thing was I could charge my phone in bus haha #noworryforbattery

I traveled from Bekasi around 3 p.m. and arrived in Magetan (my grandpa’s village) at 6 a.m. the day after.

The height compared to the Mixer car…

See you on the next post! 😆

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Highlights of January (Part #1)

Haha last week, I wanted to create weekly highlight post and ended up not making one. Hence, this post title is to cover up the last week and this week this month highlight. Haha.

Why do I write this kind of post? I don’t know, I just think it will be fun. At least for me. So, later when I feel bored, I could look up to these posts and get inspired to do things that make me happy.

Well, as a start, I may not write much. So, basically, this post will only contain pics and a little bit description.

1. Singkong Thailand (A Savory – Sweet Dessert)

Singkong Thailand

Singkong Thailand
Singkong Thailand

I really like this dessert because of the savory yet sweet taste has a good combination. The savory taste comes from the coconut milk vla (the white layer) and the sweet taste comes from the cassava. A simple dessert, yet very tasty

It costs only Rp7.000 and is available in a traditional market near my house in Bekasi. I prefer to eat this when the dessert is chilled. I also bring 2 cups of this when I returned to Bandung, just because I really like it 😆

2. Help Ibu with Go-Food registration

Last week I helped Ibu to take photos of the food which Ibu want to sell in Go-Food.

Nasi Kucing
Nasi Kucing


Nasi Pecel

We sell nasi bakar, nasi pecel, nasi kucing, nasi gudeg, ayam bakar. You can contact me if you want to buy these foods! Haha #imserious

3. Lemon & Honey

The weather was uncertain these days. Hence, I need to improve my body with vitamins. A supplement that I like is lemon & honey in warm water. I feel better and fresh after I drink this. My skin is also less dry. 🍋🍯

Honey Lemon Drink

4. A good novel: Resign! By Almira Bastari

I like this novel since I read this in Wattpad. It’s light, fresh, entertaining & lovely. Also maybe I read this book because I feel related (to the corporate life part, not to the romance part obviously) :))

Resign by Almira Bastari - cover
Resign by Almira Bastari – cover

Resign – Intro

To be continued..

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Disclaimer: this post might be a cheesy one, it will be more about ka Emil & me haha.

On the last Saturday of 2017, Ka Emil and I went to Marugame. After finished our meal, I opened my senior high school group and found that my friend gave a riddle. Since I was waiting for ka Emil to be ready to our next destination, I worked on that riddle. I worked with paper (Marugame receipt to be precise) and pen which I borrowed from ka Emil. I counted it manually, just because~ After I finished the riddle I gave my answer to the group. Then, ka Emil asked me what did I do? I showed him my draft, my manual problem-solving. Turned out, he was interested in the riddle and asked me to show him the riddle.

After packed our belongings, we walked from Marugame to Merdeka street (Yes, walked, by foot) We kept silent for a while and suddenly ka Emil said about the riddle, to confirm on how the system in that riddle work, what my answer is, and how to solve it. “Oh, my… I know you’re so silent because you’re thinking about it!!” Hahaha, I did not know that he would be interested in the riddle. “Yes. However, I try to solve it inside my mind.. by creating a mathematical formula of it ” he replied and told me some mathematical solutions he thought of, I didn’t remember exactly. I just laughed. He’s so funny!

Then we went to the brownies place, I told him to wait somewhere while I was buying the brownies (for myself, in case you want to know :p ). When finished, I met him at the restaurant part of the place. Turned out he’s still working on the riddle in his mind haha. Suddenly I had this feeling that I made a wrong calculation on my answer, then I checked my draft (the receipt) and yes I made a wrong calculation. I revised my solution and showed it to ka Emil. I made it neat enough that he could recognize the pattern. I knew there’s a pattern too. However, made it to some mathematical formula was too much work for me at the time hahaha. He recognized the pattern from my draft and voila! He made the mathematical formula easily (like less than 5 mins maybe). Then we exchange our answer and the answer from my draft/receipt and his formula was same, yeay haha. He’s so happy finding out the formula that he even open my group to answer the riddle and happily provide the mathematical formula explanation to the group!!! Hahaha


Here are some proofs of evidence.
This is the problem. Thanks, Hime!


My manual solution.. (on the back of receipt)


His solution…


He happily explained his solution in my group and astonished my friends 😂 #imsosmart #noguys #itshim


Here is the funny guy, so happy finding out the formula 😆

The smart guy, he’s so happy! #imhappyforyoutoo #LOL

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Monday Travel After A Long Weekend

Some things are predictable.

Like this Monday morning, all travel providers (to Bandung) in my city for morning travel are most likely to be full-booked. Long weekend, more people go home. Tickets are selling fast. With that prediction, we need to book our seat earlier than usual or we won’t get a seat in a desirable schedule. 
If you know you need to go to Bandung from my city, Bekasi, for work and arrive there before 10 a.m., then travel schedule after 6 a.m. won’t work. Knowing that, I can book a seat in last Monday when other people have not made their booking yet.

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The Moment I Use Mi Remote

Hi guys, my family and I have safely arrived at my grandpa’s home. We (my cousins, nephew, brother) gathered at living room and watched TV. I didn’t really like the show so i asked my brother who turned on the tv where’s the remote. He said “there’s no remote, use the buttons”

haha so lazy 🙈

Then i remembered there’s this remote app in my phone . I tried and it’s worked! The little cousin & nephew of course were amazed with this thing wkwkwk 😁 No more “where’s the TV remote” #problem #iamsocoolforthem

“Rumah Mbah” = Grandparent’s house.
Thank you Mi Remote for help me who’s too lazy to push the TV buttons 😝

Thank you technology for making life easier hahaha (might not using this app if i weren’t lazy LOL)
Another random post i know, thank you for reading 😝😳

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Finally Packed!

Yay! I finally finished packing my clothes and stuffs for mudik (going to hometown tradition). I did it after work, well, I chose the clothes this morning, put them on my bed and left for work 😂 i put, arranged them in my travel bag after i went home from work haha. So quick for my standard. Maybe because i had learn from the past what not to bring, what i won’t use, etc so that i bring less stuffs than the previous year. Here’s my bags for mudik

These are my stuffs for umm… 10 days of mudik haha

Most of my co-workers take leave for Idul Fitri Holiday from 23rd or Friday this week, but i start earlier so that my family and i won’t get traffic jam. 

Today i was so sleepy at work. I slept at half past twelve, woke up at 6 and slept again until 7.30-ish, got ready, chose my clothes. So sleepy but cannot sleep 😴😴😴 and now i’m on my way to Bekasi, i’ll sleep after i post this. Yeah.

So happy that the holiday has arrived! 
Have a nice day, readers! 😁

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What I Did On This Quick Holiday

  1.  be with all members of family
  2.  eat batagor riri
  3.  eat mango from our tree
  4.  watch the catch eps 8 & 9 😍
  5.  read comics
  6.  eat banana chips
  7.  go to traditional market with mom
  8.  buy lot of veggies!! i think i don’t need to eat out for one week with these many food supplies from mom 💞. Not getting pocket money anymore, but with these supplies i can save one week of food budget 😉😉
  9.  try my new veil and feel good about it. I’m gonna buy some like this again! (Well, i’m just a girl 😌)
  10.  eat sate maranggi & gorengan
  11.  eat ekkado or “egg money bag” (it’s written on the pack)
  12.  watch vlogs
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Current Mood: Renang

Ingin renang di sini atau punya kolam renang sendiri yang kayak gini 😆


(sumber gambar:



(sumber gambar:


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