Stay At Home Journal: Main Monopoli Online

Salah satu hal yang menyenangkan dari periode stay-at-home ini adalah jadi bisa silaturahmi sama teman-teman (sebagai anak introvert, teman2 di sini ya mereka2 aja sih wkwk I cherish them ðŸĪ—ðŸĪ—) tanpa ribet-ribet keluar rumah. Mau main ga perlu ribet siap2, pilih baju, mikirin ke tempat kumpul pakai transportasi apa, harus berangkat dan pulang jam berapa, dll. Terus juga bisa main sampai malam banget karena kan mainnya dari rumah masing2 wkwk no worries.

Postingan kali ini ditulis buat kenang-kenangan game night malam Minggu kemarin. Akhirnya main monopoli ramean. Seru!! wkwkwk

Hmm jadi siapa yang menang ya ðŸĪŠ

Ditunggu game night berikutnya ðŸĨģðŸĨģ

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This Week Highlights âœĻ

Breakfast with fruit is good 👍👍 (and safe..)

Dimsum~ I bought it from Tata, it’s tasty and price-worthy~ definitely will repurchase 😋

Tried Aice mochi ice cream~ also tasty and cheap~

Tried out new food court near office. It has Clemmons, so 👍👍

Went to Naylah’s Wedding. It’s been a lovely time meeting with you all~ feeling so so so grateful 😆

While these collection of events and foods have been exciting, there are also some other things that highlighted my week. However, I need some time to write them 😅

So, see you on the next post!

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Disclaimer: this post might be a cheesy one, it will be more about ka Emil & me haha.

On the last Saturday of 2017, Ka Emil and I went to Marugame. After finished our meal, I opened my senior high school group and found that my friend gave a riddle. Since I was waiting for ka Emil to be ready to our next destination, I worked on that riddle. I worked with paper (Marugame receipt to be precise) and pen which I borrowed from ka Emil. I counted it manually, just because~ After I finished the riddle I gave my answer to the group. Then, ka Emil asked me what did I do? I showed him my draft, my manual problem-solving. Turned out, he was interested in the riddle and asked me to show him the riddle.

After packed our belongings, we walked from Marugame to Merdeka street (Yes, walked, by foot) We kept silent for a while and suddenly ka Emil said about the riddle, to confirm on how the system in that riddle work, what my answer is, and how to solve it. “Oh, my… I know you’re so silent because you’re thinking about it!!” Hahaha, I did not know that he would be interested in the riddle. “Yes. However, I try to solve it inside my mind.. by creating a mathematical formula of it ” he replied and told me some mathematical solutions he thought of, I didn’t remember exactly. I just laughed. He’s so funny!

Then we went to the brownies place, I told him to wait somewhere while I was buying the brownies (for myself, in case you want to know :p ). When finished, I met him at the restaurant part of the place. Turned out he’s still working on the riddle in his mind haha. Suddenly I had this feeling that I made a wrong calculation on my answer, then I checked my draft (the receipt) and yes I made a wrong calculation. I revised my solution and showed it to ka Emil. I made it neat enough that he could recognize the pattern. I knew there’s a pattern too. However, made it to some mathematical formula was too much work for me at the time hahaha. He recognized the pattern from my draft and voila! He made the mathematical formula easily (like less than 5 mins maybe). Then we exchange our answer and the answer from my draft/receipt and his formula was same, yeay haha. He’s so happy finding out the formula that he even open my group to answer the riddle and happily provide the mathematical formula explanation to the group!!! Hahaha


Here are some proofs of evidence.
This is the problem. Thanks, Hime!


My manual solution.. (on the back of receipt)


His solution…


He happily explained his solution in my group and astonished my friends 😂 #imsosmart #noguys #itshim


Here is the funny guy, so happy finding out the formula 😆

The smart guy, he’s so happy! #imhappyforyoutoo #LOL

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