Daily Life: Infused Water, Taylor Swift Rep Tour

Since I feel a bit unwell lately, I decided to go out early, find breakfast and that’s finished at 7.40 AM. Then I went to Setiabudhi Supermarket because my work hour starts at 9 or 10 and needed to buy ingredients for my infused water. I bought lemon and cucumber and prepared the infused water at my office. It feels refreshing to drink the infused water. 

Road to Setiabudhi Supermarket. Trees along the street~
Lemon & Cucumber
My infused water

I arrived at 8.20-ish which was still early for me so I decided to re-watch Taylor Swift Rep Tour again on Netflix. Haha.

Taylor Swift concert. The cats are so cute!!

Bye now, see you on the next post!

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A throwback to a cozy weekend…

🏡 Tidied up our house (a bit)

🚶Took a morning walk and date

🍅 Bought groceries

🙆 Breakfast with best friends from high school

A nice city 🙂
Big windows and natural light ❤️

Cheers to upcoming weekend when I can play the Sims again 😆🥂

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The Hometown

Used to love & hate the city. Love it because my home is here and the foods. Hate the heat, traffic jam, & flood 😂. Now that the city’s facility getting better (trotoars, benches, and little parks along the road) it’s more liveable & enjoyable (for holiday :p )


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