Daily Life: Infused Water, Taylor Swift Rep Tour

Since I feel a bit unwell lately, I decided to go out early, find breakfast and that’s finished at 7.40 AM. Then I went to Setiabudhi Supermarket because my work hour starts at 9 or 10 and needed to buy ingredients for my infused water. I bought lemon and cucumber and prepared the infused water at my office. It feels refreshing to drink the infused water. 

Road to Setiabudhi Supermarket. Trees along the street~
Lemon & Cucumber
My infused water

I arrived at 8.20-ish which was still early for me so I decided to re-watch Taylor Swift Rep Tour again on Netflix. Haha.

Taylor Swift concert. The cats are so cute!!

Bye now, see you on the next post!

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Foods & The City: Mom’s Bakery & Madam Potato

“White tall building in Bandung and the greeneries~” 

Mom’s Bakery

If you go to Bandung and looking for food that’s guilt-free, very tasty, and healthy you should try Mom’s Bakery (https://www.instagram.com/momsbakeryindonesia). Besides the delicious cake, pastry, bread, they also serve salads, omelet, sandwiches, smoothie bowls.

My favorite is the sandwich. The concept here is we can choose what bread, fillings, and sauces we want. In the sandwich picture above, I choose croissant for the bread, smoked beef for the protein, and homemade barbeque sauce. For a smoked beef sandwich, it costs me Rp45.000. They also have vegetarian options for the sandwich (falafel sandwich, tempeh/tofu sandwich)  

Recommendation time to visit: In the morning around 8-9 AM. Why? Because at this time you can smell the bread being baked…. and it’s soooooo goooood! Isn’t it delightful having a nice breakfast accompanied with the smell of bread being baked? 🙂

Madam Potato

I bought this potato snack because I like french fries and it has cheese sauce (and seaweed sauce). It cost me Rp30.000 for a portion. A unique thing about this potato snack is it’s very long, probably 25-30 cm each. The portion is quite large, probably for 2 or 3 people. Crispy outside, soft inside. Taste good and worth the price. 

I think that’s all for now, see you in the next post!

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Walk to Work

My 2nd time walking to work. Today with mba Ika and Nanda. I took a walk not because the public transportation (angkot) is not operating (because my dad thought so), but for exercising 💪💪

A great thing of working in Bandung, I can walk to work in cool weather and see the greeneries 🌳

Not bad haha

Hopefully we keep consistent doing this walk to work~

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Monday Travel After A Long Weekend

Some things are predictable.

Like this Monday morning, all travel providers (to Bandung) in my city for morning travel are most likely to be full-booked. Long weekend, more people go home. Tickets are selling fast. With that prediction, we need to book our seat earlier than usual or we won’t get a seat in a desirable schedule. 
If you know you need to go to Bandung from my city, Bekasi, for work and arrive there before 10 a.m., then travel schedule after 6 a.m. won’t work. Knowing that, I can book a seat in last Monday when other people have not made their booking yet.

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Daging Sapi Asap: Se’i Lamalera Bandung

Kemarin saya ngga bawa bekal makan siang. Jadilah delivery daging sapi asap ini lewat go-food. Tau daging asap ini dari temen kantor yang saat itu delivery ini juga terus saya dan Nimas cicip daging sapi punya temen saya. Enaaak 😋

Daging sapi asap. Maafkan sendok tupperware yang kurang selaras dengan lainnya haha

Selain daging sapi, ada ayam asap dan lidah asap juga~ setiap pembelian daging asap bakal dapet sayuran dan kuah kaldu daging (?) Kuah kaldu dan sayurannya juga enak. Harga yang daging sapi asap Rp25.000 (belum termasuk nasi Rp5.000 )

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Achievement Unlocked: Angkot (Public Transportation) Money

Welcome new month! Welcome new cycle of personal finance! Haha

Ok, so, hearing the word “finance” may feel like a burden for most people in age of 20-ish, especially to those who already live on their own, live from their salary (bye-bye pocket money!) like me. What i found from living from my own salary is personal finance is not easy. Sometimes, I don’t save any. Sometimes, I shop or eat out too much, haha. “It’s ok, i’m just started living on my own, i still made mistakes and learned my lessons” I said to myself. However i spend my money, i must write it down. From the notes, i can be less guilty spending the money, “At least, i know where the money goes”. I know how much worse my spending could be if i didn’t write it down.


New month, new goal of personal finance.

My July Goal is to pay for Angkot (public transportation) in the fixed price. The background of this goal is, sometimes i need to pay Rp5.000, while the actual costs is Rp4.000 (based on my experience riding Angkot) and do not get any changes. So, i decided to go to the bank and exchange Rp200.000 (2 sheets of Rp100.000) for 100 sheets of Rp2.000. And it’s work! I can pay with the fixed price! I can control my transport money!


I know this is just a baby step. But, money matters (we need to appreciate money by not spending it unwisely) and i don’t have money tree on my backyard. i’m happy this milestone in my long journey in personal finance 😀


See you later!

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Ingin Nulis, Tapi..

Ingin nulis kejadian sore ini, tapi takut ada orang baca terus dikira ini ungkapan kebencian 😌 masih belum riset lagi sih apa aja yang termasuk ungkapan tersebut atau bukan (PR!) 

Akhirnya nulis di jurnal pribadi wkwkwk terus pas ka Emil baca, diketawain 😂
Bonus foto: senja di Jakarta, nunggu bis ga dateng-dateng (ah sudah tidak perlu diungkit, hanya bikin mewek lagi aja)

Pesan moral:

  1. Harus bersyukur
  2. Lebih menikmati hidup di Bandung. Tidak ingin kerja atau tinggal di Jakarta, ga kuat sama lalu lintasnya kalau mesti tiap hari wkwk semoga tidak perlu diharuskan kerja di Jakarta hehe ✌
  3. Cepat dapet SIM biar bisa lebih mandiri 😩 (dan biar ga mesti ketemu terlalu banyak manusia #introvert :p )
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5 Tahun Di Bandung

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya baru sadar kalau saya udah 5 tahun di Bandung. Tepat 5 tahunnya di bulan Juni, lupa sih tanggal berapanya, yang jelas bulan Juni soalnya pas itu ada matrikulasi segala haha
Meskipun udah 5 tahun di Bandung, tapi saya tipe anak rumahan, jarang eksplorasi kecuali saya lagi pengen kegiatan random aja wkwk. Salah satu hal yang biasanya bisa memotivasi saya buat jalan-jalan di Bandung adalah kulinernya, itu pun setelah baca review dan minta rekomendasi ke orang2 😋 mager banget ya hehe 💆 
Buat saya, Bandung ini kota yang menyenangkan buat ditinggali, apalagi buat orang yang ga bawa kendaraan pribadi kayak saya. Jalan untuk pejalan kaki Bandung enak dan rindang juga dinaungi pepohonan (ini pengalaman di daerah Dago dan sekitarnya sih hehe). Terus mau ke mana-mana juga deket, asal jangan keluarnya pas weekend siang-malem sih haha
Oke deh berhubung saya udah sampai kantor (nulis blog di mobile app selama perjalanan) sampai bertemu di postingan berikutnya~ 😳

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