Book: Where’d You Go Bernadette – Maria Semple

This book is a page-turner!

This book is delightful & funny. It brings up many emotions; not only bring my laughter, but also my tears for example when Bee and her father went on trip to Antarctica and then papers for finding Bernadette were flown by strong wind. I also can feel the hatred in Bee to her dad (Elgie Branch) caused by her dad who cheated with another woman. One of many factors of choosing this book is Bee’s Dad work in a big IT company and i think that’s so cool and smart (meaning: charming), but then he cheated 🙁

I love this book because it’s a really heart-touching story about family, especially about mother-daughter. The story also unpredictable like the fact that Manjula is some-mafia disguising as a remote personal assistant.

Bee is such a lovely, sweet, and smart girl. Her Mom, Bernadette is a genius architect who has trauma that changed her life since they moved to Seattle. At the end, Bernadette proves that she can rise up again. Her Dad, Elgie Branch is an IT rock star. <3

Plus, it has a nice cover design (love the blue background!)

rating: 5 stars of 5 🙂

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Last month, I turned 21. Just like the year before, no celebration since i am not into birthday parties and surprises (because i would most likely know if i will be surprised :p ).

I was feeling happier that day (I called it ‘my-day’ means i could do anything i want) and so grateful surrounded by my best friends. What’s funny from this year birthday was i received some unique gifts which is 21 roses and a NCIS subtitle (yep, th 64KB SRT file). I also got surprise from Gycen Bandung Ceria the day after (for this one, the surprise worked! 😀 )


I got these beautiful roses from my friends in PSDM. Why roses? because next day of my birthday was day of graduation, so there was many flower seller around campus, and they just bought 21 roses for me. 21 of the same kind of flower to make me look like a flower seller on the graduation day hehe *just kidding* I kept the flowers in my room, put it in a glass of water, wondered how long it would live and i was surprised that those could live up to one week! (then everybody would know i have not received flower before… -_- )

And these two are photos from Gycen Bandung Ceria gathering. Nice to spend time with you guys 😀

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Review “An Abundance of Katherine” by John Green

An Abundance of Katherine - Tentang KatherineAn Abundance of Katherine – Tentang Katherine by John Green

My rating: 2 of 5 stars


Reasons why i read this book:

1. Reading from the synopsis on its back, it has uncommon theme. Yes, it is about romance, but not the cheesy one since it has some mathematical curves and equations.
2. It has nice design cover. The yellow, green, blue and the purple color of the sketch are match to each other

When finished the book, i was disappointed. I expected more stories about the 19 Katherines.

View all my reviews

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Introduction: The Writer & The Blog


So, after some posts, i am just going to do the introduction now. Well, maybe a little introduction about me and more about this blog.

My name is Arum. I am an IT student who love art and design. Some friends ever asked my “Why didn’t you take art major in college?” Well, the answer is because i am not brave enough to take the art major. Even though i am not taking art major, i feels happy and grateful of what i am doing now. There might be some tears through some semesters, but after all, everything is fine and great things also happens 🙂 My dream is to become an expert in user-experience/human-computer interaction.

About this blog, this is my 2nd blog that i take seriously. Why have 2 blogs? My first blog started since i was in junior high school and i still write there. But then my thought of having an online portfolio hit me and bring me to WordPress where i found this white, elegant, & nice portfolio template. Then I started to think about moving my personal blog here which is kinda hard since i had spent much of my time with my first blog (i have more than 300 posts there since 2008. Can’t believe myself!).

Moving my blog here was like taking a whole new step, starting a brand new & fresh page which i hope to be better than the before. As this blog has new environment for me, i expect that my kind of writing will be different than my other blog. If you had read my posts on my first blog, you might feel the difference (hope it’s a good difference). I also intended this blog to learn writing in routines, especially in English, so if i made mistakes in writing, pardon my grammar hehe.

Okay, i think that’s all i can write for introduction. Thank you for reading :))

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