Day 1 & 2: Arrived in Jakarta
Bought Beard Papa’s. My favorite is eclair puff with vanilla filling 😋
Obviously it becomes one of my comfort foods!
Trees and tall buildings…
Day 3: Arrived at Home
Colorful plants by my mom. I hope I could grow some lettuce or kale by myself this year haha , please open in Bandung! 😋
Soto Seger Boyolali for breakfast, near home.
Quality time with lil bro. Sorry for the blurry picture :p
My mom, lil bro, and I made baked mac n cheese.
unbaked version:
baked version:
The Sims 4: Yeay!!!
Being introvert is easy. LOL.
Day 4: New Year’s Day
Family dining out. Alhamdulillah all of us could gather on that day. Also alhamdulillah for Sate Maranggi H. Yetti Cibungur being open on new year’s day. FYI, they are only closed in Idul Fitri day and open since 8 a.m. (info from their whatsapp business, you can get the number from their instagram here : )
Besides the satay, I would like to recommend their fritters (a.k.a gorengan). I think you should order each of the fritters because they are so tasty especially with their chili sauce!
The fritters and sauce deserve a picture 😋
This short holiday is full of tasty meals. Alhamdulillah
Taylor Swift Reputation Tour
Another highlight from this holiday is Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour in Netflix !!
“Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” – New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift
Now that it’s January already, I can recover from the family and social events in December #introvertbatteryislow.
See you on the next post!
beard papa di sendai harom 😦
Di sini Halal Dam! Nanti kalau pulang beli yg banyak dam di Bandara 😂