Walk to Work

My 2nd time walking to work. Today with mba Ika and Nanda. I took a walk not because the public transportation (angkot) is not operating (because my dad thought so), but for exercising 💪💪

A great thing of working in Bandung, I can walk to work in cool weather and see the greeneries 🌳

Not bad haha

Hopefully we keep consistent doing this walk to work~

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Hello again hahaha it’s been so long. Sorry I have been busy with the wedding preparation (and tried as much to keep the wedding news secret until near the day) Phew~ I have been wanting to write (the draft) so much about the wedding preparation since long. However, that may have to wait because I have not made any draft hahahahaha.

If you know me and have questions about wedding preparation, feel free to ask me through Whatsapp (since some of my friends already did) :p

Today I want to write about today or maybe the last 24 hours or maybe about career. LOL.

I feel great today despite only getting 2 hours of sleep zzzz. Why? Because yesterday night, until 4 a.m. today I did a UX task which I have not done for some months (calm, let’s not cry, there’s a story behind this). If you know me well or know how my sleep habit was in boarding school, you know how I cannot stay awake all night. Last night I made it! I didn’t sleep until 4 a.m. working on the presentation, no music, no tv. The task I did yesterday, it’s like a wake-up call of what should I do as my profession :p

I feel like that kind of work is the kind that I want to put my heart into it… well, I did try to love what I do… and that’s a different feeling.. with the last night task, it feels easier to put my heart into my work (whatever the result is)

Perhaps doing things-that-I-want-to-put-my-heart-into give me more energy instead of making me tired. 

Well, I still need to sleep tho.. but, I feel in a great mood today because of the work. I hope I can experience more of this kind of feeling in the future days~ 

Praise be to Allah 🙂

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TGIF Comes Early..

TGIF comes early when a 2,5-hour (estimation) work is finished in much less than the estimated time. Alhamdulillah.


Yeah, I still have other works. I only planned for that 2,5-hour work for today, tho. LOL

Now waiting for the revision…

Cheers! :p

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Writing On The Train

Hi guys, I know it’s been long since my last post. I still learn to manage my life, develop daily routines, etc. Life has been a bit busy. This post might not be as positive or exciting as I hope it to be. However, I really miss writing my blog. So yeah.. here’s some stories..

Yesterday, I went to Jakarta for a personal matter. I left from Bandung at 6.45 a.m. Arrived at Jakarta around 10.30 a.m. Then I got some brunch (an excuse for not making time to eat breakfast before left). Finished my personal matter at 4 p.m. then left for travel pool. The booking slots for that afternoon wert full. Luckily, I had booked my seat so, even though I didn’t get the earlier travel, I still had my 5.45 p.m travel. Traffic jam as usual. Arrived at Bandung at 11 p.m then there were traffic jam again in the city which made me wonder why that’s happen. Haha what can i do. Arrived at Bandung pool at 11.45 p.m. Luckily again I have my dearest boyfriend who waited for me and picked me up at pool 💕. 

Then I slept at around 2 a.m. this morning to wake up again in the morning to pray and get ready to work. Sleepy and hungry. I didn’t get chance to eat properly for dinner, only bought a snack in rest area. Lazily, I ate granola + milk this morning, in my bed. Then I got ready for work. Worked. Went to train station in the middle of drizzle. I supposed to be sleeping right now in the train since I have been sleepy today at work. I could not sleep now. I suspected this because of my head was filled with many thoughts. So, I wrote this.

I enjoyed these 2 days. These days have been an eye opening experience for me. It made me realize more about what I want, what i don’t like, what have I achieved, received, what have changed for the last year. Things have been greater than I expected a year ago. One thing that I (again) realize is that I cannot imagine myself living day by day for some years in Jakarta. I think I have been adapted well to Bandung haha #notjakartansmaterial 

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Overtime Pertama

Siang hari ini, tiba-tiba ingin pizza 🍕 sekilas aja pengen, entah kenapa.

Ternyata pas sore dikasih tau mesti overtime (lembur) buat bantuin ngerjain. Dan buat makannya, pesan pizza wkwk. 
Pengalaman pertama overtime, Alhamdulillah, overtime-nya bareng-bareng. Alhamdulillah, ada yg bisa nganter pulan ke kosan 😁. 
Yang anehnya saya ga ngerasa pressure yang gimana (mungkin karena saya judulnya cuma bantuin aja kali ya, bukan jadi PIC dsb). Kerja dari jam 10-7 aja udah lumayan bikin pengen cepet balik santai-santai di kosan LOL. 
Mindset buat menghadapi kerjaan: kerjain aja. Kerjain tanpa pakai emosi atau feeling wkwk. Kalau bisa dibawa senang aja, dibawa fun, biar ga kerasa tiba-tiba udah waktunya pulang hihi
Tapi tetep sih, saya ngerasanya tetep mesti ningkatin kapasitas dan cara biar bisa deliver excellence under the pressure (mengutip kata-kata buku Work Clean)
Ditulis di ruang tunggu kantor, sambil menunggu yang jemput datang 😳

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Being Adult Is…

Being adult is knowing when it’s time to go home and sleep, not because mom says so, but for the sake of embracing new day. If i start to sleep after 10 p.m., I will wake up late which cause rush for my day. Or I will wake up on time but not feeling much refreshed which can decrease my performance for the day.


Well, that may explains why i don’t go out often on weekday nights anymore, even Friday night haha except for some important meetings with friends (which is a rare event considering most of my friends are already left Bandung, and my workmate, well, we meet everyday) and my dear E, of course.


I think most of my energy is spent at work nowadays haha. Yeah, work is not like college, cannot go to cafe or mall when bored at midday or afternoon. At least, i don’t have any work tasks on weekend and no exam :p Even, I don’t really like going on weekends since places will be very full of people and traffic jam haha. If i need to go on weekends, i will choose to go as early as possible. Early birds get the worms~

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Masuk Kerja Jam 10

Bertambah lagi alasan memilih masuk kerja pukul 10.00 pagi: kalau masuk jam 09.00 berarti berangkat jam 8-an dan jam segitu merupakan jam di mana angkot ramai dengan penumpang. Terasa bedanya dengan berangkat di atas jam 9, penumpangnya jarang sampai 6 orang 😂

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