Achievement Unlocked: Angkot (Public Transportation) Money

Welcome new month! Welcome new cycle of personal finance! Haha

Ok, so, hearing the word “finance” may feel like a burden for most people in age of 20-ish, especially to those who already live on their own, live from their salary (bye-bye pocket money!) like me. What i found from living from my own salary is personal finance is not easy. Sometimes, I don’t save any. Sometimes, I shop or eat out too much, haha. “It’s ok, i’m just started living on my own, i still made mistakes and learned my lessons” I said to myself. However i spend my money, i must write it down. From the notes, i can be less guilty spending the money, “At least, i know where the money goes”. I know how much worse my spending could be if i didn’t write it down.


New month, new goal of personal finance.

My July Goal is to pay for Angkot (public transportation) in the fixed price. The background of this goal is, sometimes i need to pay Rp5.000, while the actual costs is Rp4.000 (based on my experience riding Angkot) and do not get any changes. So, i decided to go to the bank and exchange Rp200.000 (2 sheets of Rp100.000) for 100 sheets of Rp2.000. And it’s work! I can pay with the fixed price! I can control my transport money!


I know this is just a baby step. But, money matters (we need to appreciate money by not spending it unwisely) and i don’t have money tree on my backyard. i’m happy this milestone in my long journey in personal finance 😀


See you later!

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Ingin Nulis, Tapi..

Ingin nulis kejadian sore ini, tapi takut ada orang baca terus dikira ini ungkapan kebencian 😌 masih belum riset lagi sih apa aja yang termasuk ungkapan tersebut atau bukan (PR!) 

Akhirnya nulis di jurnal pribadi wkwkwk terus pas ka Emil baca, diketawain 😂
Bonus foto: senja di Jakarta, nunggu bis ga dateng-dateng (ah sudah tidak perlu diungkit, hanya bikin mewek lagi aja)

Pesan moral:

  1. Harus bersyukur
  2. Lebih menikmati hidup di Bandung. Tidak ingin kerja atau tinggal di Jakarta, ga kuat sama lalu lintasnya kalau mesti tiap hari wkwk semoga tidak perlu diharuskan kerja di Jakarta hehe ✌
  3. Cepat dapet SIM biar bisa lebih mandiri 😩 (dan biar ga mesti ketemu terlalu banyak manusia #introvert :p )
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Ultah & Miranda Kerr

Hari ini ada yang ultah! 🎉
Hari ini liat youtube ada video behind the scene pernikahananya Miranda Kerr. Cantik banget yaampun 😍 gaunnya juga cantik 👗😍

^ yang hari ini ultah terus ditanya mau didoain apa, jawabnya: “Miranda Kerr batal nikah (?)”


Selamat!! 🎉🎉

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5 Tahun Di Bandung

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya baru sadar kalau saya udah 5 tahun di Bandung. Tepat 5 tahunnya di bulan Juni, lupa sih tanggal berapanya, yang jelas bulan Juni soalnya pas itu ada matrikulasi segala haha
Meskipun udah 5 tahun di Bandung, tapi saya tipe anak rumahan, jarang eksplorasi kecuali saya lagi pengen kegiatan random aja wkwk. Salah satu hal yang biasanya bisa memotivasi saya buat jalan-jalan di Bandung adalah kulinernya, itu pun setelah baca review dan minta rekomendasi ke orang2 😋 mager banget ya hehe 💆 
Buat saya, Bandung ini kota yang menyenangkan buat ditinggali, apalagi buat orang yang ga bawa kendaraan pribadi kayak saya. Jalan untuk pejalan kaki Bandung enak dan rindang juga dinaungi pepohonan (ini pengalaman di daerah Dago dan sekitarnya sih hehe). Terus mau ke mana-mana juga deket, asal jangan keluarnya pas weekend siang-malem sih haha
Oke deh berhubung saya udah sampai kantor (nulis blog di mobile app selama perjalanan) sampai bertemu di postingan berikutnya~ 😳

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Ramadhan Motivation

This afternoon, while waiting for breakfasting at office, i checked my Instagram. I saw ig stories and saw this:

This is ig story of Vivy Yusof. She’s founder of Fashion Valet. I have followed her instagram and read her blog ( for months. I like her blog! Haha 

As an enterpreneur of course she’s very busy, but she could finish/khatam The Qur’an. Then i reflected on myself: why can’t i make more time to read Qur’an, why am i still lazy 😶 She must busier than me, but she finished the Qur’an. 
I. Must. 

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After Work

Hi guys, how’s your day?

Mine? I have a nice day, Alhamdulillah. My mood feels light. I just had bath and exfoliated my skin with recently bought wash off mask (it’s like strawberry jam btw). I arrived at kostan before Maghrib, prayed Isya & Taraweh before 8 p.m. I had an easy-but-tasty dinner and watched modern family. Well, i must learn the recipe from my mom! Haha

Here’s pic of the food haha #iamasian

Ok that’s all. Yes, another random post. I just want to write it down so someday when i need to light up my mood, i can read this 😁 and because i am waiting my mask to be able to washed off 💆

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A Pink Tote Bag At Kimso

I finally went out today at half past one, it was not so hot, there were some clouds​, so i decided to go. First destination was the traditional market. I bought unsalted butter, colorful sprinkle, and plastic cup (the small one for choco ball). But i forgot to buy the oranges. But it’s ok i could buy it in the supermarket later (yes, i went to supermarket to buy certain things such as thick yoghurt and tortillas). 

I also went to BIP (a mall, just in case some of you aren’t Bandung citizen hehe). I went to visit Kimso, a korean shop. It sells cute things from korea like cute mirror, clock, purses, bags, pillows, storage boxes, umbrellas, etc). Then I bought a tote bag, after listed all the reasons in my head why i need to buy the bag, like:

  1. It’s rather cheap
  2. It has my color. Yes, i bought the pink one
  3. It’s from thick material 
  4. I can use it to bring my swimming stuffs (the suit, googgle, bath stuff) since my old tote bag is already in bad condition
  5. It has zipper! Yeah,  I don’t know how people can feel safe with their no-zipper-tote-bag 😐
  6. It’s hard to find such bag with all the above qualifications. LOL.

Well, the list was to prevent impulsive buying. Anyway, they have other colors, too, there’re yellow, grey, and sky blue. Here’s the picture

The picture on the bag is acceptable for me. But, if you don’t like the picture on the bag you can use the back side, it’s plain haha. I’m looking for it’s functionality after all 😳

And now it’s raining again~ See you later, fellas, i need to make food for dinner, thank you for reading my random post 😳

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