East Bali Cashews – Salted Caramel Popcorn

Finally, I have time to post again! February has been a busy and tiring month (it’s still actually). These weekends I only hope to sleep or taking a slow day, do my favorite things, without thinking of work or any tasks haha. So, this is me, try to write a quick blog post because i have missed it a lot.

Very yummy! I bought it in Borma Dago. Setiabudhi Supermarket sells it as well.

Price IDR 26.000


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Today’s Meal: Broccoli with Creamy Cheese Sauce 🍴

Broccoli with cheese sauce and ground meat. And mashed potato.

Very easy & tasty (it has cheese!) Healthy veggie, use no oil nor RoycoπŸ’ƒ Plus, it’s a match with mashed potato (that can be prepared earlier and saved in fridge #mealprep)

In case you’re wondering, I used the triplets broccoli for this meal (2 portion) haha

And i just get back from grocery store which is Borma Dago Bandung and found these Chitato “Fried Crab Golden Egg Yolk” and Chitato “Mango Sticky Rice.

They cost Rp7.300. There should be the Beef Rendang flavor as well. I think the Chitato beef rendang flavor was sold out because there’s only the pricetag 😞. Most likely will buy the “Beef Rendang” flavor if it’s available, I heard the review is good LOL.

And no, I did not buy the two flavors available. So, I cannot give any review. Instead, I stick to my safe option: Lays, which I currently eat while typing this #multitasking πŸ’»

Thursday Meal: Fried Noodle

I forgot to post it yesterday, so today would do. LOL.

Review: Edible. 🍴🍜

Has better presentation than earlier verson. LOL. #noroycoadded 😎

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Highlights of January (Part #1)

Haha last week, I wanted to create weekly highlight post and ended up not making one. Hence, this post title is to cover up the last week and this week this month highlight. Haha.

Why do I write this kind of post? I don’t know, I just think it will be fun. At least for me. So, later when I feel bored, I could look up to these posts and get inspired to do things that make me happy.

Well, as a start, I may not write much. So, basically, this post will only contain pics and a little bit description.

1. Singkong Thailand (A Savory – Sweet Dessert)

Singkong Thailand
Singkong Thailand
Singkong Thailand

I really like this dessert because of the savory yet sweet taste has a good combination. The savory taste comes from the coconut milk vla (the white layer) and the sweet taste comes from the cassava. A simple dessert, yet very tasty

It costs only Rp7.000 and is available in a traditional market near my house in Bekasi. I prefer to eat this when the dessert is chilled. I also bring 2 cups of this when I returned to Bandung, just because I really like it πŸ˜†

2. Help Ibu with Go-Food registration

Last week I helped Ibu to take photos of the food which Ibu want to sell in Go-Food.

Nasi Kucing
Nasi Kucing


Nasi Pecel

We sell nasi bakar, nasi pecel, nasi kucing, nasi gudeg, ayam bakar. You can contact me if you want to buy these foods! Haha #imserious

3. Lemon & Honey

The weather was uncertain these days. Hence, I need to improve my body with vitamins. A supplement that I like is lemon & honey in warm water. I feel better and fresh after I drink this. My skin is also less dry. πŸ‹πŸ―

Honey Lemon Drink

4. A good novel: Resign! By Almira Bastari

I like this novel since I read this in Wattpad. It’s light, fresh, entertaining & lovely. Also maybe I read this book because I feel related (to the corporate life part, not to the romance part obviously) :))

Resign by Almira Bastari - cover
Resign by Almira Bastari – cover
Resign – Intro

To be continued..

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Weekend: Fruit & Veg

Productive weekend so far.. I went to traditional market with mom to buy some fruits & vegs. So happy because in this tradional market near my house they have many fruits & vegs that I like such as cherry tomato (IDR 20k/kg), lemonades (IDR 10k each), oranges to make orange juice (a.k.a jeruk peras hahaha IDR 14-17k/kg). I wonder why I cannot found them in Simpang Traditional Market in Bandung πŸ˜”

These months also the season for grapes and strawberries I think. Because they are very cheap!!! Grapes only IDR 40k/kg. Both are my favorite fruits πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
Whoaa me talking about fruits & vegs price and traditional market! One year before these topics were almost never cross my mind. Such a change haha 
Other productive activities that I did today:

  1. Learned new recipe from my cousin who cooked at my house today
  2. Did accounting for my money
  3. Made this blog post

Things I am expecting today:

  1. Tonight’s episode of Age of Youth 2 (or Hello, My Twenties 2)
  2. Go to swimming pool in the afternoon maybe, if I’m not sleepy. Just a day when the family is gathered and there’re so many food and I feel so full right now

The food that my cousin made feat. orange juice.

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Daging Sapi Asap: Se’i Lamalera Bandung

Kemarin saya ngga bawa bekal makan siang. Jadilah delivery daging sapi asap ini lewat go-food. Tau daging asap ini dari temen kantor yang saat itu delivery ini juga terus saya dan Nimas cicip daging sapi punya temen saya. Enaaak πŸ˜‹

Daging sapi asap. Maafkan sendok tupperware yang kurang selaras dengan lainnya haha

Selain daging sapi, ada ayam asap dan lidah asap juga~ setiap pembelian daging asap bakal dapet sayuran dan kuah kaldu daging (?) Kuah kaldu dan sayurannya juga enak. Harga yang daging sapi asap Rp25.000 (belum termasuk nasi Rp5.000 )

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This Week Goodness: Yoforia & Cilok

Yoforia Yoghurt Drink rasa Peach Delight. Beli di Borma Dago tadi pagi. Harganya Rp7.700 saja (isi 200 ml). Ini rasanya enak & segar πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Homemade Cilok. Cilok buatan ibu, pakai bumbu kacang. Enak dan terjamin bahan-bahannya πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ wkwk. Pas banget lagi pengen makan cilok minggu ini.


To be continued.. πŸ˜‹

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Bekal #1

Bekal makan siang hari ini:

  1. Kentang rebus
  2. Wortel rebus
  3. Tahu dengan bumbu barbecue. Ini ngikutin resep-resep di youtube. Gampang dan enak buat alternatif tahu goreng biasa. Haha.

Dan ternyata porsi segini aja buat saya masih kebanyakan. Rasa kenyangnya masih ada sampai sekarang. 😁


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Foodcourt Tanah Abang: Mie Yamin & Kerupuk Bumbu

Makanan favorit tiap ke tanah abang. Makan di tenabang foodcourt πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Mie yamin. Harganya 20rb aja. Mienya banyak!

Kerupuk mie pakai bumbu dari asinan/rujak (lupa nanya, pokoknya enak haha). Belinya di tempat jual asinan/rujak tapi cuma minta kerupuk dan bumbunya aja.

Mantap πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

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