
Explanations can do a few important things, based on the research cited in Grant’s book.

Another study of American architects found that parents of the most creative architects disciplined their kids by outlining their standards of conduct and explaining their reasoning behind these principles — and encouraging their kids to come up with their own values.


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New Logo For Myself


This logo will be used for my personal branding.

I just finished this logo at 12:00 a.m. (more or less) which means I spent about 3 hours on digitizing the logo from sketch i made. Phew ????

But i was so happy! I felt like being in my rabbit hole while creating the logo ????????????

To see how i made it, you can visit my online portfolio

Ok, thank you for reading. Have a good day ????????????

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My Playlist of The Week

My current playlist was filled with these 2 songs which were Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” and  Adele’s “Make You Feel My Love”

Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” actually my theme song for every Thursday morning in this semester :p


Shake it off the bad mood :p

And the second song was “Make You Feel My Love” from Adele <3 <3

When the evening shadows and the stars appear,
And there is no one there to dry your tears,
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret.
The winds of change are blowing wild and free,
You ain’t seen nothing like me yet

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Wishlist: Books

Hari ini saya ngerasa agak jenuh dengan banyak hal. Saya juga bingung apa yang salah sampai saya ngerasa segitu jenuhnya. Lalu saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke toko buku. Toko buku yang ga terlalu besar, tapi seolah-olah bisa menyerap saya dan membuat saya lupa sama hal-hal yang bikin saya jenuh. Ini daftar buku-buku yang ingin saya beli~

sumber gambar:

Royal Wedding. Edisi XI serial princess diaries. Saya baca novel Princess Diaries dari pas SD dan suka sama filmnya (apalagi yang peranin Anne Hathaway <3)

sumber gambar:

Lean In. Saya udah selesai baca buku ini tahun lalu, tapi versi ebooknya. Harus punya versi cetaknya juga ah.

sumber gambar:,

Serial Geek Girl. Baru baca sinopsisnya sih, cuma dari reviews yang saya liat kayanya rame. Jadi, saya pengen baca juga.

Dan masih ada beberapa buku lagi, tapi segini dulu karena saya harus bikin pr 🙁


Banyak buku-buku menarik yang pengen saya baca. Rasanya pengen tinggal di kamar aja sambil tenggelam dalam cerita di buku-buku. Rasanya lagi malas mikirin hal lain. Kenapa ya? Apa level introvert saya lagi lebih tinggi dari biasanya?

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The Chances Not Taken

What about fear? Originals feel fear, too. They’re afraid of failing, but what sets them apart from the rest of us is that they’re even more afraid of failing to try. They know you can fail by starting a business that goes bankrupt or by failing to start a business at all. They know that in the long run, our biggest regrets are not our actions but our inactions. The things we wish we could redo, if you look at the science, are the chances not taken.


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Me Time

Beberapa hari ini saya berusaha untuk fokus dengan laporan tugas akhir (Alhamdulillah jumlah halaman di laporan tugas akhir bisa nambah beberapa halaman). Beberapa hari maksudnya dari hari Minggu aja sih (Sabtunya masih bisa nonton 4 episode). Namun, saya menunda nonton Return of Superman karena kalau nonton itu perlu waktu dua jam. Selain itu, saya juga sengaja bikin rencana nonton Return of Superman nanti aja pas target laporannya udah tercapai. Senangnya lagi, target laporannya udah tercapai tadi pagi, jadi siangnya saya bisa refreshing sebentar.

Ternyata rencana saya buat refreshing hari ini pas sama kedatangan orang tua saya ke Bandung (untuk jemput adik dari asrama) dan pas sama terbitnya komik Hai, Miiko edisi 28 😀 😀 😀 Terbitnya udah dari beberapa waktu yang lalu sih, cuma saya baru tau minggu ini karena liat postingan teman saya 😀

Siang ini saya ke gramed dulu buat beli komik, terus nunggu di suatu tempat sambil baca komik yang dibeli. Tidak lupa untuk titip Batagor Riri ke orang tua  (karena saya bilang lagi pengen dan pengennya udah dari hari Minggu :p ) Lalu ketika malam hari setelah mencari-cari kosan untuk adik saya, saya ditanya mau makan malam dulu atau ngga? Saya menolak karena (1) masih kenyang kalau harus makan berat lagi, (2) kalau makan malam dulu nanti ortu sama adik saya kapan sampe rumahnya? (3) saya udah punya rencana buat makan batagor sambil nonton Return of Superman 😀 😀 😀 (Andaikan episode 4 The Catch keluar sekarang, bakal saya tonton duluan sih)




Namun, ketika sampai kosan, saya tersadar kalau masih punya PR buat besok pagi. Yaa… me time-nya ditunda lagi :/

*terus malah bikin postingan di blog*


Oke deh, sampai jumpa di postingan berikutnya 😀


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New TV Series: The Catch


Yaaaayyy!! Finally a new TV series worth to watch (for me)!

This series had made me watch series in marathon again (well, only 3 eps actually).

I watched trailer  of this series on TV when I was at home and already had interest to watch it. But, since I still have my final project to work on, I was not as eager as usual to watch series. On final year like this, I saw some of my friends spent more time watching series and gave many titles of TV series (Korean drama, start up series, etc) to watch, but i just felt those series were not worth my time and only made me feel regret for choosing them to my final project. Even though so, that doesn’t mean I didn’t watch anything during my final project period, I only reduced the frequencies (obviously I still need some entertainments for refreshing). I still following Return of Superman every week and still having some NCIS episodes that I have not watched. The Catch is another TV series that interest me (my kind of TV series) and I can really enjoy my time watching this series.

The Catch TV series was another series that i found very interested for me. I like the main character, Alice Vaughan. She’s smart and brave and private investigator hehe. She made me imagined to have my own private investigator company (women are good in investigating :p ). The male character, Christopher Hall (Alice’s fiance) was charming which make me realized that he was look like Prince Louis in Gossip Girl series ????????????????

A private investigator who thought she could never be conned. A con man who never thought he would fall in love.

The story was on right pace from the first episode (some series are to slow on first ep.) that made me want to watch the episode 2. Also there are some drama scenes, but not overly drama. The drama was enough to make me feel what the main character, Alice Vaughan, feels and the dilemma between her personal love story and her work <3 .

Now, I am waiting for the 4th episode. I hope the series will get more interested so it can last for long period of time. Nice work 😀

Here’s the trailer video so you don’t have to go to YouTube~


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